What is the Fastest Way to Write to Sqlite from Java in 2023?.

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Our challenge was to insert data into a sqlite database as quickly as possible. You can find a lot of information on insert performance on the internet. Most information is already a couple of years old. Sqlite has improved. The drivers have improved. Java has improved.

A lot of information we found was no longer accurate or was slower than not tuning anything at all.

We therefore benchmarked the insert performance ourselves. Our findings are a bit surprising and are different to what is currently recommended on e.g. Stack Overflow (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1711631/improve-insert-per-second-performance-of-sqlite).


  • Artificial data. 5 columns with text should be inserted 5 million times.
  • We ran the benchmark on a Mac M1 Laptop.
  • Result is a sqlite database with 160MB.
  • sqlite-jdbc-
  • Java OpenJDK 19.

You can find the code at https://github.com/raphaelbauer/java-sqlite-insert-benchmark . Simply check out the repository and run the file BenchmarkOptionsToInsertIntoSqlite.java. All code is in that one file.


  • That’s not a real benchmark like JMH. But as rule of thumb it should work fine.
  • You might get different results with different OSses and filesystems.


  • Use one large transaction.
  • Statements are a bit faster than prepared statements - but for all practical purposes you should use prepared statements to omit SQL injections.
  • Configuration of SQLite (synchronization mode, memory and such) did not bring any measurable benefit.
  • Batching did NOT bring any benefit.

Results and insert performance

  • No transaction was 1000 times slower than a single transaction.
  • A simple statement in one big transaction can write 833_333 rows per second on my machine.
  • A prepared statement in one big transaction can write 714_285 rows per second on my machine.
  • A prepared statement in one big transaction with batches of 1000 can write 500_000 rows per second on my machine.

Some notes:

  • It is surprising that batching is slower than not batching. We tried different batch sizes (1000, 10000, 100000) - it does not change much.
  • We tried many PRAGMA configurations on sqlite level. We could not find any big difference using any of the PRAGMA configs.


Question: What is the fastest way to write to a SQLite database?

  • Simple statements, one transaction, no batches.
  • For practical reasons - because you don’t want to have SQL injections - you should use simple prepared statements, one transaction, no batches.

Question: Do SQlite configuration options give you any edge?

In short: No.

We tried different variations of the following:

SQLiteConfig config = new SQLiteConfig();
config.setPragma(SQLiteConfig.Pragma.MMAP_SIZE, "30000000000");

It did not change anything significantly in terms of write performance.

Question: Can’t we just parallelize the work?

Nope. An insert will lock the table. You can only use one connection to write to the database at a given times. Multiple write efforts will block each other.

Question: What has the most impact on performance?

Using one transaction.

Do all insert commands within one huge transaction. Not using a transaction is 1000x slower than the other way round. Absolutely use something like connection.setAutocommit(false) - and then connection.commit() at the end.
