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My musings on anything from leadership to technology to entrepreneurship and back.

Aug 14, 2024

Understanding Test Coverage for Non-Techies

As Interim CTO I closely collaborate with non-technical folks. And often we come to the topic of 'test coverage'. For non-techies this concept looks very simple. High test coverage is good, low test coverage is bad. But it's not that easy - and forcing teams to produce a high test coverage will lead to disaster. Let's explore.

Aug 7, 2024

On 20% Time Projects

Your 20% time projects don't work? Here is how we revitalized our 20% time projects by scheduling them monthly, making participation optional, and enforcing rules for relevance, planning, and presentation. This structured approach improved focus, collaboration, and motivation across the team.

Jul 31, 2024

On Staging

Staging systems promise production-level assurance but often fall short, making them costly and impractical. There's a better way that offers a smarter, real-world solution for reliable deployments.

Jul 24, 2024

LiDo - Structuring Application Code Well

Discover Lido, a lightweight alternative to DDD for structuring your application. Learn how to organize your codebase with domain-based packages, clear file responsibilities, and effective testing strategies.

Jul 16, 2024

On monoliths and microservices

Let's discuss why starting with a well-structured monolith is often the best choice for most applications, and when it makes sense to adopt microservices.

Jul 2, 2024


Test Driven Development, or (TDD), came up as part of Extreme Programming (XP) around the year 2000. But is TDD essential? Is it useful? And should you do it?

Jun 7, 2024

PWA - Cheap Native Apps

PWAs allow you to create native apps at a fraction of the cost. But they have challenges and are not the same as mobile apps.

May 20, 2024

Sell A Dream

Sell a dream, and make it come true! When was the last time you did this? And why is this important not only in sales but especially when planning a project and motivating a team?

May 13, 2024

How I Improved my English

Could I, a non-native speaker, speak English like a native? Let's see the result of a 1.5 year long experiment...

Apr 29, 2024

What does an Interim CTO do

I am often asked what a good Interim CTO does. When I break down what I personally do as an Interim CTO, it boils down to three things. Let's check them out.